Friday, April 07, 2006
What your baby looks like at nine months

By nine months, most of your baby's bones have hardened, although his skull is still pliable. He's shedding most of the downy covering of hair as well as the creamy vernix caseosa that covered his body. He'll spend the next few weeks just putting on weight.

At the end of this week, you're going to reach an important pregnancy milestone: Your baby will be considered full term! That means you could give birth very soon. Put any unnecessary travel plans on hold now in case you go into labor early. Many airlines won't let pregnant women fly close to their due dates for this reason. It's also time to start wrapping up projects at work, get an infant car seat if you haven't already done so (you won't be allowed to leave the hospital without one), and put finishing touches on the nursery. Your baby — who now weighs about 6 pounds and is almost 19 inches long — will continue to gain about an ounce a day until he makes his debut.



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